Saturday, 23 April 2016

Health Benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum

                                                                           King of Herbs: 

Ganoderma Lucidum
Reishi, or Ganoderma Lucidum, has been around for centuries. Worth its weight in gold, used only by emperors and other royals, this 'Miracle Herb' has been overlooked by western culture for years.

To their detriment, few people know about Ganoderma's marvelous health benefits and antioxidant effects. Even the most expensive antioxidant on the market can only boast a fraction of the 100's of antioxidants found in Ganoderma Lucidum.

Especially good for the circulatory system and respiratory tract, Ganoderma has been known to lower high blood pressure, balance good and bad cholesterol, and lower overall cholesterol as well as reducing symptoms related to asthma, bronchitis and other lung related problems.

The health returns Ganoderma provides are too numerous to completely describe in this article but it has been investigated by scientists around the world as a treatment for cancer, arthritis, insomnia, fungal growth, and the list goes on.

Recognized in Japan and China as a licensed medical treatment, Ganoderma is also used for its sedative and calming effects. Years of ongoing research in Japan, China, USA, and the UK are consistently proving the unmatched benefits this mushroom provides in areas of holistic health and healing.

                                  How can one little mushroom do all that and more?

Ganoderma Lucidum affects the body as a whole, strengthening the immune system and balancing the body's natural state. Ganoderma gets to the core and works from the inside out producing some amazing results on the way.

Until recently, Ganoderma has been expensive and hard to find in viable quantities. That is because, out of thousands of trees in the forests of Asia, the Reishi mushroom only grows on ONE SPECIFIC TREE. One company has put years of time and effort into cultivating this mushroom indoors. The result of that effort will strongly affect the health of people all over the world.

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